Authorship & AI – 25 April 2024
In March 2024, the EU Parliament approved the Artificial Intelligence Act. “It aims to protect fundamental rights, democracy, the rule of law and environmental sustainability from high-risk AI, while boosting innovation and establishing Europe as a leader in the field.”
The law includes a ban on certain applications (in case of threatening citizen’s rights), has exemptions for law enforcement agencies, and sets certain obligations for high-risk-systems – as well as transparency requirements.
On the other hand, it is created to still allow innovations and shouldn’t limit possibilities for start-ups or small businesses. But what does all of that mean for filmmakers and their audiovisual authorship?

We talked about that with Dr. Cristina Busch, specialist lawyer for copyright and media law and legal advisor for IMAGO’s copyright and working conditions committees, and Prof. Björn Stockleben, Professor for Emerging Media Production at Film University Konrad Wolf, Babelsberg, as well as CEO of FERA Pauline Durand Vialle on April 25, 2024 – 18:00 CET via ZOOM. Our Moderator was Patrick Messe from the United Voice Artists.
We recorded the discussion for you to listen to and watch if you didn’t make it to the meeting. Enjoy!
Presentation of Prof. Stockleben
Our Guests
Dr. Cristina Busch

Cristina Busch is a Dr. Jur. and Specialist lawyer for copyright and media law. She works as a Partner of “Jufresa&Grasas, Abogados Penalistas, S.L.P.” and “MPD, Modelo de Prevención de Delitos, S.L.”.
She has been part of the Audio-Visual Control Commission of the Barcelona Opera at the Gran Teatro del Liceo in Barcelona, and works as legal advisor for IMAGO’s copyright and working conditions committees, of the Spanish Association of Professional Photographers (AFP), of the Visual Management Entity of Plastic Artists (VEGAP), and of the famous modernist archive of the Catalan Architect „Arxiu Julol“.
Her publications regarding Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights in monographs and collective publications published in Spain, Greece, and Germany stand out. She has also participated in numerous seminars and conferences organized by AIDP, IMAGO, ADA, ICAB, AEC, EDIT, EUXXL, the Bundesverband Kamera of Berlin (BVK), Verwertungsgesellschaft der Filmschaffenden (VDFS), Dachverband der österreichischen Filmschaffenden (DFF), the European Forum Wachau, the „Institute Cinema Audiovisual and Multimedia“ of Lisbon, the Congreso de Músicos de la Orquestra Sinfónica de Madrid, the Plataforma „Manifiesto“, the Escuela de Arte Massana, the Gremio de Editores de Catalunya, the University of Barcelona, the Asociación Española de Fotógrafos Profesionales, the Museo de Ciencias de Barcelona, the Gran Teatre de Liceu de Barcelona, and many more.
Find her presentation during the AOF here.
Prof. Björn Stockleben
Björn Stockleben is a Professor of New Media Production in the Film and Television Production program of Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF.
He teaches interdisciplinary production processes with a particular focus on the integration of design and software development, content-related services, and the development of formats for novel media technologies and platforms. Moreover, he is studying for a PhD in the field of data-based decision-making processes in media management at the Tampere University of Technology, Finland. He performs research on perceptive media, online-based creative processes, and big data in the creative industry.

From 1997 to 2003, he studied Media Studies, Media Technology, and Informatics at Hochschule für bildende Künste Braunschweig (Braunschweig University of Art) and Technische Universität (TU) Braunschweig. Between 2004 and 2016, he was involved in the innovation projects of Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg as a project engineer and user experience designer and contributed to various EU research projects on the development of content and services for new media technologies and platforms. From 2010 to 2016, he coordinated the Cross Media M.A. program of the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences. He is co-founder of the Nokia Ubimedia Mindtrek Awards (2007 to 2014) and the durchgedreht24 film festival (established in 2003).
Find his presentation during the AOF here.
Pauline Durand Vialle

Originally from Paris, France, Pauline Durand Vialle has worked in film distribution and international sales. She joined FERA from her previous position as Deputy Manager in charge of European Affairs at La Société des réalisateurs de films (SRF), where she worked for five years. She is the Chief Executive of FERA since February 2014.
Patrick Messe
Patrick Messe is Voice-/Actor, speaker and texter and lives in Vienna. He is the Communications Speaker for Austrian Voice Association and active member of the German VDS. He initiated the United Voice Artists (UVA) of which he is currently the co-president. The UVA is an umbrella organization for professional voice artists and unites 35 other national associations worldwide and represent over 20.000 members. One of their main goals is to establish fair European copyright laws especially in relation to AI, the usage and compensation of artistry.