What’s wrong here?

This year’s David di Donatello awards ceremony, Italy’s most prestigious film and television accolade, saw Production Designers (PD) and Costume Designers (CD) relegated to a secondary location, away from the main hall and the audience. Instead of being celebrated alongside the primary categories such as production, direction, acting, and music, these vital contributors were awarded in a remote studio staircase, underscoring a perceived devaluation of their work.

Presenter Carlo Conti attempted to justify this decision by stating, “Bringing certain categories to Cinecittà seemed to us to be an enrichment to show the audience the work of the people behind the scenes.” However, this move sparked a significant backlash from the community.

For more details, you can read the full articles here:  La Repubblica & Virgilio Notizie
The professional associations of set designers, decorators, costume designers, cinematographers, editors, sound technicians, visual effects artists, make-up artists, and hairstylists expressed their deep regret over this decision.

In an official press release, they emphasized that what should have been a celebration for the entire cinema industry was compromised by the division of categories, leading to a lack of recognition and applause for those working behind the scenes. The statement highlighted the particular disappointment felt by these professionals, noting the importance of unity and collective celebration, especially during a time of industry crisis. The associations also underscored the negative impact on the younger generation, who witnessed a devaluation of these crucial professions. Read a summary here.

ARTSCENICO stands in solidarity with our colleagues and shares their disappointment regarding the treatment of production and costume designers at this year’s awards. We believe in the integral role that every member of the production team plays in creating the magic of cinema and hope future ceremonies will honor this by celebrating all categories together.