
In Denmark, the Danske Scenografer was part of a huge cooperation between 19 associations, the Dansk Kunstnerråd and Denmarks Statistics Institute, to build a database of artists, the first of its kind. First summaries show, that only 38% of Danish artists are women, and only around 25% of all Danish Artists earn their living through Art. Read more about the main findings or check out the statistics for yourself.

French ADC collaborated with William Abbello’s Studio Écofilm to work together with Transpalux and Cininter to test variable components of film sets. Simple settings were used to compare different materials and their ecological qualities and consequences. Together with Eicar International Film School Paris Ecofilm Studio also starts training for the ‘écoconstruction’ of sets.
On December 12, the ECOPROD Assises took place in the Climate Academy in Paris. With guest of honor Yves Arthus Bertrand there were workshops, talks, and panels about Eco-Production. More than 350 people came to be a part of a change in production design.
Numbers were called at a collaboration of IRCAV, Master of Science, La Sorbonne Nouvelle, Strate Ecole de Design, Université Paris Cité, and ADEME, but there were also discussions on how social and organizational structures of Ecoproduction can be designed to benefit all parts of the equation.
Find out more about the event.

„La Grande Fabrique de l’image“ was the call to action for French film- and production studios, as well as French technology companies and education institutes, to fill the ‘France 2030’ economic plan with ideas. With 68 winners of the bid the French government plans to build 11 new Studios, 12 animation studios, 6 video game studios, 5 VFX and post-production studios, and 34 training and educational facilities for filmmakers – until 2030.
The main goal is to attract more European Productions to French Studios but also to boost France’s economy. Read more about it here (in english) or here (in french).
Together with LUCELAB CINECITTÀ, our esteemed colleagues in Italy from the ASC have organized 4 FREE vocational training courses.
This is a marvelous example of how efficiently we can take care of young talents in the supply professions of our professional groups. Read more.


From January 20 to May 20, 2024, the Eye Film Museum in Amsterdam will present Cosmic
Realism. The first retrospective of the work of Véréna Paravel and Lucien Castaing-Taylor.
Paravel and Castaing-Taylor are constantly
looking for a new film language that goes beyond the traditional human-oriented view in anthropology.
United Kingdom
Blair Barnette from the BFDG was cited in an article about the end of the industry strikes in the USA. Lots of people seem to not realize, how dire the situation of filmmakers can become in a heartbeat if projects are canceled – for whatever reasons. Especially if one’s ability to work is not only bound to an industry, which provides very little security in itself but if big parts of that industry are more or less dependent on a development in other countries, on which one has no influence. Blair offers ideas on how to deal with the consequences of the strikes in the US to build a better film industry in the UK. Read more.