As you maybe already noticed we launched our ARTSCENICO Instagram account on the 12th of November 2021.
In March 2022, we started a rotating system with different hosts, the first organization was Teme LP, Finland, followed by the British Film Designers Guild (BFDG), UK in May, and Association des Décoratrices et Décorateurs de Cinéma (ADC), France, in July and August.
Would you also like to host the account for a month? This is even possible if your organization doesn’t have an account already. You could send us your pictures and captions or mandate members of your organization, who are social media enthusiasts. Please just contact us via instagram@nullartscenico.com.
From day one of your take-over of the ARTSCENICO-Instagram-Account, you can upload and curate as many posts at any time you like. We will only post content ourselves if there are special announcements to publish (events, etc.).
Note that every posting should contain the following, but we will give you brief info before you start :
PICTURE (or picture-series) & INFORMATION regarding this picture :
- TEXT (‘caption’): can be plain information or some relatable catchphrases
- @ TAGS: people or organizations you want to mention in relation to your picture (example: a friend from another association is visible on the picture/part of an event)
- LOCATION: where was your picture taken
- © COPYRIGHT INFO: title of the film/play / artwork & year of publication, type of medium, Production and/or Costume Designer, director, photographer, etc. (you need permissions/rights for the posted content, portrayed people, pictured subject)
- # HASHTAGS fitting the picture/context
The © copyright of all content must be cleared.