ARTSCENICO is very proud to present you its logo – designed by Tiziana Amicuzi, the winner of a Europe-wide logo-contest launched in 2019.

Tiziana Amicuzi graduated in Architecture with an experimental thesis in Scenography, she is Managing Director of tad(studio)design, a creative factory of digital and interactive productions for show and entertainment. Production Designer for cinema, television, theatre, museum installations and exhibitions, she boasts important collaborations with Universal Picture Entertainment and Rai Play, Studio Azzurro and AIEP, Balletto di Roma and Makinarium. Since 2018 she has been a member of the Board of the A.S.C for which she is a teacher in advanced training courses in Production Design and Set Decoration. She is a teacher in the school of Visual Arts of the European Institute of Design. Numerous participations in national and international festivals and exhibitions – Monaco Dance Forum in Montecarlo, Ars Elettronica, Rome Film Festival, Rome Web Fest, Romics, Mash Film Fest, Culture Giovani di Salerno Film Festival. In 2012 she exhibited at ReMade in Italy 13th International Architecture Exhibition Venice, Italian Pavilion and in 2014 she received a special mention for the innovativeness and originality of the Skinmodel interaction design project. As cultural designer collaborates with museums and cultural institutes including the MAXXI Museum and the Museum of the Mind in Rome, the Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan. Interested in the issues of sustainability and recycling, in 2015 she started a production of eco-sustainable design products and signed three capsule collections for the ECOuture fashion collection. In December 2019 he signed the scenography of the spot The Wall for the Univideo-Agency for the development of audiovisual publishing. She was Ambassador for A.S.C. of the Fare Cinema 2019 project of Farnesina Esteri and Luce Cinecittà at the Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago. In 2020 magazine includes one of her works “among the 10 things that have revolutionized art in the last 20 years”.