Call for ARSTCENICO’s General Assembly in London
ARTSCENICO and our dear colleagues from BFDG are pleased to announce
the General Assembly 2024 in London!
Friday 28/11/2024 – Sunday 01/12/2024
As always, the GA will be dedicated to one of our main topics. This year it’s all about solutions, discussion and possibilities of sustainability. You can also look forward to visiting the Pinewood Studios, Farleys Prop House and the famous ROSCO dinner! Find the complete schedule below!
After your registration, you will receive updates and relevant information in time via Email to your registered address. There’s a discount deal with the sustainable Corner Hotel in Whitechapel, find all info about how to get it in the FAQ!
A big thanks goes out to our colleagues from the BFDG for the wonderful organization.
We’re already looking forward to seeing you!